Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Pretty straightforward, I pressume. We, however, have no control as to what that “reaction” might actually be. We may not find it favorable or what we expect it to be. It may skew our results. It may even nullify whatever hypothesis you may have.
The exciting part is the experimentation where you live in the unexplained. You are eaten by anxiety and the anticipation of what might happen. It keeps you on your toes and directs your thoughts and actions to the possibilities. It is, however, not entirely in your hands. Why call it an experiment if it actually is? The important thing is you've done your research, carefully placed all instruments and ingredients and you are ready for anything, absolutely anything. Your action is the experiment, your initial sparkplug, you may say. The reaction is the result.
This can very easily be translated to your everyday life, your actual being. You start off as an object at rest and an action like simply getting up from your bed in the morning leads to another reaction that then creates a chain of events which, in totality, comprises your very day. For the purpose of scientific analysis, let's not delve in the possibility of karmic powers that may skew your results. Focus first on what you do and the result of it. Your outlook is the direction of the object and the outcome varies as to which direction you may take.
For instance, if you choose that your outlook be that of nervousness, more often than not, the events that follow only add to your initial outlook. If you decide to be freewheeling and joyous, your day just seems to get brighter and brighter. Your disposition controls your surroundings. The people you interact with, places you go to, things you do, they all reflect that action of which you originally decided.
You may ask, what if I change my perception in the middle of the day? Think about it. That mere change in perception was actually guided by a certain reaction and made you change directions. The decision you make is derived from a change, a counterstrike, a simple reaction.
Be careful then of that initial action you take to start your day. It might as well be what dictates how the day will go and end for you. And we all know, as I assume you all are normal human beings, everyone just wants to be happy. The moment you wake up, there is an action and a choice to be made. So, I ask you dear readers, put a little perspective in your day and adapt a little Newton in your lives.
Please be the light and guide me. For all around it's pitch black and confusing. I don't want to move for it's eerie. The next step might just be disaster waiting.
All I need's a bit of clarity, And I'll find my way, for sure. Don't just leave me here lost and weary. Your voice is enough guidance and cure.
I recall we've agreed communication is the key. I don't even need a flashlight, all I need is a spark. Talk to me, even only a whisper, I don't care if there's a fee. Take my hand, please guide me, for only bats can fly in the dark.