Life is truly fair and we can't expect everything to go the way we plan it. We are only human and cannot control any other thing but ourselves. The way we do things, the way we react, what weighs more for us, are all drawn from our notion of what is right and what is wrong. We can't force other people to always see things the way we do. However we have all the right to voice out our opinions. In the end, it is up to that person whether they would agree or not. In turn, we should not condemn them for not seeing things as we do. Doing so will only bring up a storm.
And with it, that storm will just bring a rain of tears, winds of panic, thunderous heartache and a flood of sorrow.
We all know that all this can be at least managed. A storm does not hit in an instant. There are always early warnings and we must be aware of those. You can track the storm so you will be ready for it. And when it comes, be equipped with a lot of patience and understanding. If all your preparations were set up correctly, the storm will pass and brighter days will be ahead.
You can always wish that a next storm will never arrive. Then again, we all know that life is fair and all we can do is just be ready. There will always be that time in between to grow in each other and make foundations strong enough to weather any storm that life throws at us.